Sunday, January 06, 2013

An end is also a beginning

Four weeks ago I posted for the first time in two and a half years.  I know that journaling and blogging is good for me both mentally and emotionally and so I'm making a personal commitment to myself to do this more regularly.

2012 was a very difficult year for me and though I suffered several losses and setbacks, I also had a lot of successes and I never want to forget that.  Here is my list of achievements for 2012:


·         Completed my Sacrament of Confirmation
·         Joined finances and managed a household budget for two people
·         Job change doubled my income
·         Started my first 90-day Challenge on ViSalus (lost 16 lbs. in 8 weeks)
·         Maintained my friendships during my relationship
·         Reconnected with long distance friends
·         Worked through heartbreak using tools I learned in therapy and through self-help books
·         Started watching less TV and reading more books
·         Completed my Associate of Science degree in Computer Science
·         Nominated student speaker for the 2012 SFCC Commencement Ceremony
·         Completed two courses at UNM
·         Started a new job and doubled my income
·         Built a closer relationship with my Dad
·         Learned new things about myself in a committed relationship
a.       Successfully cohabitated
b.      Joint finances and budgeting can work
c.       Need to be with some who is at least my equal in every way
·         Survived three major losses

Now that I've recapped my 2012, I want to make sure that I start off the new year with very specific goals in mind.  I want to have a plan to work from to continue my growth journey.  Here is my list of goals for 2013:
·         Read my devotional every morning
·         Attend Mass weekly
·         Attend choir practice Wednesday nights
·         Spend at least 15 minutes a day in prayer and meditation
·         Balance my accounts every pay period
·         Update my budget every pay period
·         Join classes to review Financial Peace University program
·         Build my emergency fund and pay off loans
·         Drink at least one ViSalus shake per day
·         Kickboxing class on Saturdays
·         Schedule a workout time Tuesday and Thursday evenings
·         Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night
·         Spend less time on Facebook
·         Email or call my long-distance friends at least monthly
·         Join or start a Meetup group for activity outside the home
·         Plan a bi-monthly happy hour for CMBC
·         Journal every night before bed
·         Update blog every week (sometime on the weekend)
·         Read a book monthly for pleasure (weekly when school's out)
·         Do something everyday to fine tune my brain (
·         Avoid personal distractions at work
·         Document processes for every request I work on
·         Set up a schedule for online class work
·         Set up a plan for financial aid: how to spend it wisely or how to finish school without it
·         Do my relationship inventory homework (Chris, Jason, Dad, Mom)
·         Write down who I want to be and how I want to behave in a good relationship
·         Write down what I am looking for in my life partner
·         Regular contact with family: monthly emails and phone calls (alternate every two-weeks)
There it is.  Ready.  Set.  Go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've been very honest with your self and that's fantastic. Your goals are smart and realistic. So proud of you!!!!!! Praying for you!