Monday, December 31, 2012

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second book was even more amazing than the first.  I am ever impressed by authors who can take a situation that seems so predictable and come up with a twist in the story that rocks your imagination.  Major kudos to Suzanne Collins for keeping me so entertained on the last few days of my vacation.  As much as I love movies, I will forever love books more because the authors allow us inside their characters' hearts and minds in a way that movies can't.

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My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Saw the movie earlier this year and really enjoyed it ... knew I would eventually read the books, but kept forgetting to pick them up.  Saw them on my niece's bookshelf over the holidays and asked to borrow them.  Read the first one almost nonstop.  There are just so many more details and character nuances in the book that cannot translate to movie format.  I loved it and have already started reading the second book.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Shut up already

Do you ever just get sick of hearing yourself?

I broke up with my fiance in October and have been in mourning for the last couple of months.  It's not just the loss of the relationship that I've been grieving, but other dreams that this relationship wakened in me and that I've now got to let go of.  I spent a lot of time wallowing and then I finally decided to do something to help me work through my feelings and start the healing process.  I've been reading "Getting Past Your Breakup" by Susan J. Elliott.  Sheesh, this woman is tough!  But I like her manner and she tells some harsh truths (that I needed to hear).  In a way, she has slapped me out of my melancholy.  She also has a blog that I've been following and I've been enjoying reading it over the last week.  I've posted a few comments and received a few replies from other heart-broken souls.  She recommends in her book that we journal to help sort through our feelings and use pen and paper to vent.  A lot of people do that on the blog as well and I did a little of that myself last night.  When I woke up this morning, I immediately checked the site to see if I had any replies and I had two.  One very determined person told me to basically stop my obsessive behavior and start doing the work I needed to do to get over the relationship.  The second very sweet lady, commiserated with me and even shared her similar situation with me.  Both posts (in their own way) motivated me to stop making excuses for not journaling and get to it.

So I searched through my piles of books until I found my old journal ... last real entry dated January 14, 2007 (boy, I really suck at journaling ... and blogging for that matter).  I have a slight (at least I think so) version of OCD, so I am unable to leave gaping holes in my journal and just pick up with my current affairs.  Therefore, I spent the better part of today (with many breaks) re-compiling my life and writing down in my journal the summary of my life from 2007 to 2009.  I used a variety of sources to do this (picture files, this blog, Facebook (my history by year), my profile on LinkedIn, and my money program).  It was interesting to look at my life during this 3-year period with my eyes, heart, and mind today.  I have a particular perspective today about the events that occurred that I'm not sure I had when they were actually taking place.  This is exactly why I need to do a better job of journaling routinely, so I can capture all that I'm thinking and feeling about what's going on in my life.  Comparing what I thought and felt then to what I think and feel now would be great therapy for me and a lot cheaper than going to a professional (though I'm not opposed to that at all).

Anyhow, after I did all that today and went to church this afternoon, I came home and checked the site again to see what additional comments might be there.  It was then that I had a flashback to a time several years ago when I was seeing an alcoholic and I thought that I needed to try Al-Anon and see if I could get some support so that I could be a better support to him.  What struck me at the meeting was that everyone appeared to me to be whining and griping about things that they have been whining and griping about for years and not really doing anything productive to get over it and move on.  It took all of my resolve to not shout at the entire group "SHUT UP ALREADY AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT".  That one meeting was enough for me and I never went back.  I immediately recognized that it was not the type of support and help I needed.  I am a woman of action.  If something is wrong, let's not sit around and complain about it, let's fix it and move on to something more interesting or fun.

So after a couple of months of being angry, hurt, sad, and disappointed and doing a lot of wallowing, I hit my limit today and got entirely tired of myself.  Doesn't sound great, but I really think I reached a good place.  So I must admit that this journaling has served me well.  However, I can't be content with that and drop the ball again for another 5 years (ok, almost 6).  Tomorrow I am going to pick up where I left off and perhaps I will be able to get though 2010 and 2011.  I'm not going to push it to 2012 because I know that's going to require the rest of the year to get down.  Plus, I have to do the rest of my "homework", which is going to involve taking some relationship inventory.  I have been dreading it, but I'm actually looking forward to it now.  I have 22 days to finish my "grief work" so that I can put it behind me and start the new year with a clean slate.

Monday, January 16, 2012

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I've been enjoying Brad Thor's books, but my interest slacked in this one. I found it difficult to stay connected to the stories and the introduction of the Athena team made it difficult to keep up with the multiple characters in the story. His books tend to follow parallel stories and then neatly tie them together near the end of the book. The tie-in in Foreign Influence was not as clean as in some of his other books. The story was full of intrigue and interesting characters, but this was not one of my favorite books in his collection.