Saturday, April 06, 2013

Women Who Love Too MuchWomen Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first part of the book focuses very heavily on dealing with issues that stem from growing up in a household of a) abuse, b) neglect, c) alcoholism, etc. as a means of explaining why we become women who love to much.  None of these issues were relevant to me and my childhood and so I felt I had wasted my money (buying this book) and time (reading this book).  However, once I got past those chapters, I got into the more relevant issues of self-esteem and feeling lack of worthiness for a good relationship.  The help and homework offered in the book did help me sort through my behaviors and choices and get to what I believe is the core issue in why I love too much and choose the wrong guys to love.

For those who are reading the book and (like myself) finding it difficult to relate to the women with the horrible childhoods (mine was pretty great), stick with it and give it a chance.  You may find some tools to help you sort through your behaviors and choices that may help you make the positive changes you need.

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